Dürr and Mercedes-Benz Forge A Partnership For CO2-Free Vehicle Painting

Giancarlo Perlas August 1, 2023

In a move towards reducing the automotive industry’s carbon footprint, the Dürr Group, a global leader in technology solutions, and renowned automobile manufacturer Mercedes-Benz have solidified a long-term strategic partnership centered on sustainable painting technology. This innovative collaboration seeks to redefine sustainability standards and create a pathway towards a greener future for vehicle painting.

Decades-Long Partnership Sets New Goals

Building upon a history of collaboration, the strategic alliance announced by Mercedes and Dürr marks an unprecedented milestone. Both industry giants have committed to jointly plan and implement the modernization of painting technology in the German automaker’s home-based plants.

The initial phase will witness the construction of an eco-conscious paint shop in Sindelfingen, with Dürr at the helm of supplying cutting-edge technologies to enhance energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions significantly.

Pioneering Climate-Friendly Production

The central tenet of the alliance revolves around optimizing energy consumption during the painting process. Driven by the shared vision of climate-neutral vehicle production, Dürr’s innovative software applications for energy management and energy-efficient technologies will play a crucial role.

Image Source: Dürr

By leveraging economical and intelligent paint booths and car body ovens, the aim is to minimize energy consumption per painted car body to an unprecedented level of less than 400 kilowatt hours, less than half the current consumption rate.

A Green Energy Transition

One of the pivotal achievements envisioned through this collaboration is the shift towards CO2-free operation in vehicle painting. The traditional reliance on fossil fuels will be replaced by a sustainable approach, drawing power solely from renewable energy sources like green electricity.

Image Source: Dürr

Overall, this strategic move marks a significant step towards decarbonizing the entire automotive production process, setting a benchmark for eco-friendly operations in the industry.

Final Thoughts

The partnership with Dürr aligns seamlessly with Mercedes-Benz’s ambitious goal to power its global production network entirely with renewable energy by 2039. Together, the two aim to spearhead transformative steps in green energy adoption within the coming years.

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About Author

Giancarlo Perlas

Giancarlo Perlas is an economist by profession with a career spanning nearly two decades. His professional journey has seen him assume vital roles in various government and private organizations, particularly in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors. Alongside his civic and corporate pursuits is his love for cars, particularly those made by Mercedes-Benz. In 2012, he found himself with like-minded individuals within BenzInsider. From then on, he used the platform as a way to share his passion with the automotive community. Follow his Facebook page at, X (formerly Twitter) @giancarloperlas, and IG @benzinsider. View all posts by Giancarlo Perlas →

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