What are These Mercedes-Benz Ads Trying to Say?

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What are These Mercedes-Benz Ads Trying to Say?

Mercedes-Benz always comes up with unique ways of advertising its products to customers. Whether in print or in a video clip, it still reflects the drive of the company for innovation and excellence.

Take for example the new Mercedes-Benz ads released by BBDO Chile. It featured pictures of two well-dressed individuals. But somehow, there is something wrong in the picture that viewers should discover by themselves.

Check out the images below and spot what is off in each photo. It is a good idea to click each picture to see what is wrong with it.

Mercedes-Benz Ads (2) Mercedes-Benz Ads (1)

The ads serve as a medium to remind Mercedes-Benz customers that they should only choose original parts for their vehicles. Seen in the images were the lines, “A part of you is no longer Mercedes-Benz,” and “Prefer original parts.”

As for the first image, the appeal of the man in the suit was ruined by the small heart-shaped tattoo on his left wrist. On the other hand, the other guy would have looked elegant if it weren’t for his gold tooth.

According to Leonardo Rocha, the art director of the shots, the wrist tattoo and gold tooth represent the non-original parts for Mercedes vehicles. No matter how small they are, they certainly ruin the whole appeal of a Mercedes auto and the entire “Mercedes experience” of owners.

The materials remind us also that Mercedes only use excellent materials for its products, which reflect its slogan, “The best or nothing.” Thus, putting accessories not intended for its products or tweaking them in anyway will no longer amount to the best experience of customers.
