self-driving truck

Latest Mercedes-Benz News

Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 Self Driving Demo

The life of a truck driver involves a lot of stress. Truck drivers have to watch out for the traffic, comply with delivery schedules, miss a lot of family time, and juggle with additional responsibilities that may be required from them at work. The combination of the said factors often lead to exhaustion even before they reach their destination. Not to mention the fact that they still have to drive the massive vehicle back to their headquarters after delivering their merchandise. In an effort to lessen the stress of future truck drivers, and ensure their safety above all, Daimler has developed the world’s first-ever self-driving truck. At the 65th IAA… Continue Reading »


Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 Makes Its Debut at the IAA

A couple of months ago, we revealed that Mercedes-Benz had been working on a self-driving truck. Recently, at the 65th Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA) held in Hannover, Daimler finally unveiled its Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 equipped with an autonomous driving technology. Wolfgang Bernhard displayed the capability of the truck in responding accordingly to traffic conditions without the intervention of a human. Then, it was said that it could gain speed up to 52 mph in the freeway using the auto-drive feature. Aside from a technology ahead of our time, the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025 also boasted an amazing design that would put the modern trucks to shame. The aerodynamics of the vehicle has been greatly optimized… Continue Reading »


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