‘Smart Buggy’ Bid for 2013 Dakar Rally Fails

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‘Smart Buggy’ Bid for 2013 Dakar Rally Fails

It’s never a good thing when a dream fizzles out, and it can hurt much more considering we’re about to say goodbye to 2012 as well. That’s just what Jose Luis Alvarez has to deal with as he bids his 2013 Dakar Rally bid goodbye.

Alvarez and his team was set to take a couple of smart ForTwos to the rally. These are definitely heavily modified to perform on a rally competition and to comply with FIA rules for said event, and many would argue that perhaps the vehicles are merely rally cars with a smart shell, but it’s still a smart, anyway. Right now, though, all that is moot.

According to Alvarez’s site, the attempt to reach the Dakar Rally—which is set to start on January 5 and will go all the way until January 20, taking vehicles from Lima, Peru to Santiago, Chile—has failed, despite some last-ditch efforts to crowd-fund the endeavor.

Even though they’ll be missing it next year, we sincerely hope JL and his team will continue pushing and doing their best to eventually enter the event. You can watch the videos above and below to see more of this Smart Buggy.
