Should Mercedes EV Units Produce More Noise?

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Should Mercedes EV Units Produce More Noise?

Automakers are gradually shifting their priorities into electric cars. However, one of the issues being raised by car enthusiasts is their lack of noise. So, should Mercedes EV units have more noise?

It should be noted that when the engine regulations changed in Formula One back in 2014, there were complaints about the lack of engine noise coming from the hybrid race cars. As a result Mercedes started devising ways for their cars to produce more sound. A lot of crazy ideas cropped up like putting megaphones in their exhausts and putting artificial sounds into them. Still, the noise was nothing like the natural sound produced by a pure internal combustion power unit.

In the interview of AMG CEO Tobias Moers with Wheels, he indicated that they are still unsure about how the Mercedes EV units should sound. He revealed that they have been consulting Linkin Park over the years to get their interpretation of electrified engine sound. Moers also said that they are working closely with games specialists and sound effects experts in films. So far, he stated that they are close to arriving at a solution.

Car noise supposedly helps pedestrians hear them coming. Then, having a louder sound makes the car more exciting for many.

On the other hand, isn’t it ridiculous for a car that does not even have an engine to begin with produce a noise similar to those fuel-burning units? Perhaps it would be better if they turn up the volume of their whirring sound to make them more believable and less absurd but cool at the same time.

Would you prefer an entirely different artificial engine sound or a louder and more natural “whir” coming from a Mercedes EV?
