Mercedes-Benz is not only synonymous with “luxury car”. Over the years, it has served as a symbol of grace, performance, class, style and many other words that when combined together would all sum up to “legendary”.
As the year nears its end, let us pay homage to the top 3 iconic Mercedes-Benz cars in movies over the years:
1. A Good Day to Die Hard

Despite the fifth installment of the franchise failing up to live to the hype and the expectations of hardcore Die Hard fans, the most memorable moment of the movie was during its earlier scenes that featured a bunch of Unimogs on a rampage. In fact, it was all I can remember from the movie. Even the Die Hard actors and the men behind the movie stated that the car chase scene was their personal favorite.
Around 70 other Mercedes cars were featured somewhere along the movie too. Basically this movie was a parade of the best that Mercedes has to offer during that time.
2. The Misfits

Younger readers may no longer be able to relate themselves with this movie since it was released way back in 1961. It features the top Hollywood icons during that time namely Clark Gable, Montgomery Clift and the sex goddess Marilyn Monroe.
But one star in that movie that is still in the spotlight is Clark Gable’s Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing which was the best in its time. It is also one of the rarest and most sought-after by elite car collectors of this generation. The car was auctioned last January for $1.85 million.
3. Bridget Jones’s Diary

I was actually choosing among Mercedes 280 SE Convertible (W111), the Mercedes SEL (W140) from the movie Transporter and the Mercedes SL (R107) from the movie Jackie Brown for this spot.
I nearly went for the Mercedes 2001 SEL from Spaceballs but I eventually settled with the W111 from Bridget Jones’s Diary. Basically, the rarity and class of the car influenced my decision on this one.
Share to Us your Favorite Mercedes-Benz Cars in Movies

How about you? What is your own top 3 iconic Mercedes-Benz cars in movies?
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