Mercedes Sedan Vs Coupe — Which One is Ideal For You

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Cursus iaculis etiam in In nullam donec sem sed consequat ...
Cursus iaculis etiam in In nullam donec sem sed consequat ...

Mercedes Sedan Vs Coupe — Which One is Ideal For You

Buying your first Mercedes car can be hard. That’s because the brand has so much to offer. There are so many models offered by its sedan and coupe segments. The two selections alone can make choosing very difficult for the uninitiated.

So, in this article, we will run you over the features and benefits of each type of car in order for you to narrow down your options, and increase your chances of selecting the car that is ideal for you.

Sedan Vs Coupe — What Makes Them Different From Each Other?

sedan vs coupe

Before going further, let us define a sedan vs coupe. In the past, a sedan means any closed roof, four-door car with four or five-people capacity. On the other hand, a coupe is a closed-body, two-door car with a maximum of two or four seats. The latter usually comes in a sporty design in contrast to the more economical or practical design of the former.

Over the years, two-door sedans and four-door coupes (popularized by the Mercedes CLS) were introduced, which blurred the line differentiating the two. However, car experts still refer to a two-door car as a coupe and a four-door as a sedan.

Benefits of a Sedan


As mentioned above, a sedan provides more seating capacity than a coupe. The entry or exit of the rear occupants of the car is also very convenient because of the two doors at the back. In addition, a sedan offers more stretching space to its passengers, which makes it ideal as a family car or for chauffeuring purposes. In terms of price, a brand new standard version sedan usually costs less than its coupe counterpart.

Advantages of Choosing a Coupe

Mercedes S63 AMG Coupe

A coupe is more stylish, sportier, more compact and has better aerodynamics than its standard sedan variation. In terms of performance, coupes usually come with better output and drag too. If you are looking for a car for your personal use, rather than a family car, this one will probably fit your taste.
