Mercedes Presents DICE Architecture At CES

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Mercedes Presents DICE Architecture At CES

Stating that “at the interfaces between communication and mobility, vast potential for innovation lies dormant”, Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Daimler Chairman, announced the automaker’s intention to remove the association of electronics as mere accessories to an automobile.  With the amount of time people spend in their cars, Mercedes sees the potential for networked interfaces in cars to become indispensable tools, much like smartphones have made the leap from being mere communications tools to the information and networking portals they have become.

In this vein, Mercedes intends its cars of the future to be more than just mere transportation conveyances. With a comprehensive suite of networking and communications technologies, Mercedes will make its vehicles the equivalent of smart cars, where access to telematics and cloud-based technologies will make the car a mobile communications center that enables driver and passengers access to all modern media and services at any time.
