The Mercedes GPS Update for 2017 is Now Available

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The Mercedes GPS Update for 2017 is Now Available

mercedes gps update

For drivers of Mercedes-Benz vehicles with the in-built navigation system it’s that time of year again when the annual map updates are released. By having the latest Mercedes-Benz Navigation DVD it’s possible to update the map software on your system with all the latest directions and addresses that have changed over the preceding 12 months.

By updating your satellite navigation system with the new 2017 Mercedes GPS Update you can be sure that any roads that have changed in 2015 into 2016 will be accurately reflected when you travel. After all, there’s nothing worse than getting lost especially when driving in areas that you are not familiar with, or where a new road might have been built.

Don’t Get Lost This Christmas

With Christmas time fast approaching, it’s commonly a time when drivers will make plenty of unfamiliar journeys. For example, you could be off to visit relatives or friends living in a different state. By having the latest Mercedes-Benz navigation update installed successfully via the 2017 DVD into your vehicle’s dashboard you can be a lot surer that your journey won’t be disrupted, and hopefully you will get to the festivities on time and safely.

If you would like to find out more about the new Mercedes navigation DVD for 2017 then the website is the one-stop shop for all things navigation-related. The website has all of the latest deals and discounts available on GPS maps, whether you have a built-in GPS or a standalone device such as a Garmin product.

Reasons to Update with a Mercedes GPS Update

The latest map software disc, which is easy to install and take around 20 minutes, includes a massive amount of new information. For example, included are:

  • Thousands of new miles of roads across North America and Europe
  • Millions of points of interest files (POIs)
  • Existing business addresses all updated
  • New business and locations now added
  • Shops, hospitals, accommodation, and essential way points included

Plus of course, any previous software bugs have now been fixed as part of the on-going updates and developments provided by the crowd-sourcing program available online.

Other Car Brand Navigation is Also Available

In addition to Mercedes navigation updates, the GPS Bites website also carries information on other vehicle brands such as Acura (see the latest Acura Navigation DVD deals), Honda, Nissan, Ford, Chrysler, Jaguar, and the GM parent brands such as Cadillac, Saab, and Buick.
