Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 Shooting Brake Given A Velvet Wrapping

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Cursus iaculis etiam in In nullam donec sem sed consequat ...

Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 Shooting Brake Given A Velvet Wrapping


It appears that the use of velvet to wrap cars is gradually gaining wider acceptance in the market. One company that provides this service is Velvet Cars. The French and German engineers of the company developed a microfilm used in wrapping cars. The microfilm is sticky on one side while the other side is soft and plush.

The microfilm was used to wrap a Ferrari 599, which created some excitement online. However, it appears that the company also gave a Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 Shooting Brake a similar adornment. The velvet that the company used on these vehicles is specifically designed to be used on cars. This means it is not the same velvet that is normally used on couches.

The Mercedes-Benz CLS 350 Shooting Brake went through a complicated wrapping process to cover its body with high-quality self-adhesive featuring deluxe synthetic material.

After the vehicle was wrapped, it was put on display at a Mercedes-Benz dealership. It sits beside a regular black-colored Mercedes-Benz CLS Shooting Brake.

