The manufacturing industry has seen a dramatic shift in recent years. In the past, Mercedes and other manufacturing plants were built to focus solely on production and efficiency.
But with increasing regulations and rising costs, it’s become increasingly important for manufacturers to improve both operational and energy efficiency.
This not only applies to manufacturers, but conserving energy applies to car dealerships, car washes, and mechanics can save on energy with Utility Bidder.
Upgrading to an Energy-efficient HVAC System
The HVAC system is the most powerful operating system in many car assembly plants, including those owned by Mercedes, since it ventilates the system while the fuel is operating at a high energy level to dry and heat the paint.
Therefore, lowering the temperature of the space on non-operational days, such as weekends and holidays, is a wonderful approach to conserving energy from the HVAC system.
Large Scale Energy-efficient HVAC systems typically include:
- A heat recovery ventilation system. This system uses the heat from the exhaust air to preheat fresh air.
- An air-to-water heat pump. This device is a combination of an air-source heat pump, which uses the outside air to provide heating and cooling, and a water-source heat pump, which uses water as its primary source of energy instead of electricity or gas.
- Water source heat pumps are more efficient than electric resistance heating systems because they can use your existing hot water line to transfer heat into your home instead of using electricity or gas directly (but they require more space).
- Air Source Heat Pumps
Smaller car garages and mechanics who work with small teams can benefit from updating HVAC systems in auto shops to reduce energy waste but save a ton of money at the same time.
Even though the HVAC system will not be as sophisticated as the car manufacturer’s, you will have full control over when the HVAC system is run on days when you are not working.
Machiner Maintenance and Control Checks
The Auto industry changed the way maintenance and control checks were done to achieve a sustainable way that could reduce CO2 emissions and energy costs. How can smaller businesses like mechanics take a leaf out of the large auto manufacturers’ book and use it to become more sustainable and energy efficient?
- Maintain machines regularly to avoid breakdowns and running up unnecessary energy costs to repair them.
- Check the machinery regularly: this suggests checking the machinery frequently and adjusting it as needed, to keep it running efficiently and effectively.
- Check the electricity supply regularly: This was a step to ensure sure that manufacturers have enough power for all of their equipment, especially during busy times of the year like holiday shopping seasons or summer vacations when people are buying more cars than usual.
- Check your inventory regularly: believe it or not, regularly checking the stock of items on hand, and making sure that they are in good condition can help prevent waste and ensure that you have enough supplies to keep up with demand. Check for leaks regularly. Leaks can waste water, which means wasted money.
Energy-saving practices have helped the Automotive Industry
Energy-saving practices have helped Automotive Industry. The automotive industry is one of the biggest industries in the world, and as such, it’s important to think about how to make it more efficient.
Energy efficiency is important for any business. Reducing energy usage can help save money on electricity bills while also reducing carbon dioxide emissions from cars which helps protect our planet from climate change.
Now while you may feel like a small fish in a big pond, doing your part benefits your business overall. Small changes can bring in big rewards. A mechanic, car garage owner, or even a car dealership can play a part and save on energy bills.
Energy-saving Tips
A business energy audit will help you determine where you can make changes to become more energy-efficient.
Replace traditional lightbulbs with LEDs or halogens. A simple switch like this can save you up to 20% on your energy bill.
When not in use, unplug any appliances and equipment. If plugged into sockets even after it is turned off, they can draw power.
As the world becomes more efficient and sustainable, we’re seeing a lot of changes in the way things are done. The automotive industry is no different. As it continues to grow, we can expect more innovations like these to be implemented as we move toward a greener future!