Daimler Supports Earthquake Victims in China with a Total of EUR 500,000

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Daimler Supports Earthquake Victims in China with a Total of EUR 500,000

Daimler AG Logo Daimler Mercedes logo
Daimler AG is supporting the earthquake victims in China together with its local companies
(DNEA) and Beijing Benz-DaimlerChrysler Automotive Ltd. (BBDC). The money is being provided to locally active aid organizations such as China Charity Foundation and the Chinese Red Cross. In addition, DNEA has provided the Chinese authorities with trucks for use in disaster areas.

Daimler has also provided 200,000 EUR for the crisis area in Myanmar. This money will be used on the condition that aid organizations are enabled to work professionally where help is needed. I wish more companies would do similar acts of kindness to people who are in need.
