The dividend that Daimler shareholders will get is €2.20 per share ($2.87 per share, according to today’s exchange rates), as was approved at the recently concluded annual shareholders’ meeting in Berlin. All in all, the dividend payout total is pegged at €2.35 million.
Around 5,000 shareholders of Daimler AG (or their representatives) were present at the shareholders’ meeting, which was held at the Berlin Trade Fair Center. Last year, around 5,700 were in attendance, and the approved dividend amount was the same as this year’s. The dividend payout is set for April 11, 2013.
Aside from approving the dividend distribution, the shareholders also reelected a couple of Supervisory Board representatives: Dr. Jurgen Hambrecht and Ms. Sari Baldauf, thereby extending their terms as shareholder representatives for another five years. Ms. Andrea Jung, former chief of Avon, was also voted into the Supervisory Board.
By virtue of 98.62% of votes cast, Board of Management members’ actions were also ratified at the meeting. Meanwhile, the actions of Supervisory Board members were also ratified, to the tune of 98.60% of votes cast.