Top Review

Daimler Honors Its Top Suppliers

In the annual Daimler Supplier Meeting held recently in Stuttgart, Daimler honored its key suppliers for continuing to maintain the quantity and quality that has helped the German automaker maintain its top ranking.

Particular mention was given to Daimler’s Japanese suppliers, who despite the massive natural calamity that struck their country the previous year, pulled out all stops to prevent a disruption to the supply chain. Said Wilfried Porth, Member of the Board of Management responsible for Human Resources & Labor Relations, “Not only did we manage to cope with one of the biggest challenges in the history of the Japanese automotive industry, but together, we can overcome it and even can grow stronger due to the fact that we work together so closely and with such extraordinary engagement,”

In the cars and vans category, the winners of the Daimler Supplier Award for 2011 are:
Exterior: voestalpine AG
Interior: Autoliv Inc.
Electrics/Electronics: Nexans Autoelectric GmbH
Chassis: Brembo S.p.A.
Powertrain: KSPG Automotive

With the annual Daimler Supplier Award, the company recognizes outstanding performance in the areas of quality, costs, logistics, technology, and innovation. In addition, the values of fairness, reliability, and trust are further aspects of the evaluation.
