Daimler Expands Its Intelligent Platform Strategy for Trucks

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Daimler Expands Its Intelligent Platform Strategy for Trucks

daimler trucks

Dr. Wolfgang Bernhard, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and responsible for Daimler Trucks & Buses, proudly revealed that their strategy for their trucks is working well. As a result, they are taking it further and planning to expand the program.

Among the strategies being carried out by Daimler Trucks are coming up with innovative technologies, having efficient drive systems, improving their autonomous driving features, and strengthening the company’s global presence despite already being the leading truck manufacturer worldwide.

According to Daimler, is offering uniform electrics/electronic architecture (E/E), chassis and cab for its trucks. Bernhard said that the standardization will bring about quick availability and first-class quality of the relevant truck technologies to customers.

The source stated that in the future, Daimler Trucks will expand its standardized E/E across the different regions and brands. The company will equip its trucks with connectivity innovations that will include a “mobile router,” which is just as the size of a DIN A5 sheet of paper. It will allow transmission of real-time data to all the connected trucks of the brand. The device will make use of the usual functionalities found in a smartphone to communicate real-time such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 4G, GPS or USB. It noted that other apps can be integrated.

The good thing about the new technology of Daimler is that it can also cater to the other vehicles not produced by Daimler. As early as next year, the company will be linking its trucks into the Cloud. The innovation will start in Europe, and other regions are expected to follow afterwards.
