If you’ve taken your auto to the garage and found that there is a hefty cost attached to carrying out the car repair work, it can be tough to know what to do. At what point is it no longer worth paying to keep repairing your car? Here are some things to consider.
Is the car otherwise reliable?
If your car has always performed well and been reliable, and you just have one thing to fix, then it’s often worth just fixing it. If you buy a new car there’s no guarantee that it won’t come with its own problems, so if you know that your current car is pretty reliable then it’s worth hanging on to it for as long as you can.
However, if you suspect that your car may have other issues in the future, then it could be worth considering a new one. Some warning signs that your car might be about to break down are:
- Your tire tread is low. Low tire tread is a leading cause of blowouts, and it’s something that needs to be addressed. Depending on the model of car, replacement tires can be expensive. Of course, this is an issue on all cars, but if you think that you will soon have to replace your tires, this is something to factor into your calculations, as a new car should come with new tires.
- Your car frequently runs out of oil. It’s important to check your oil regularly, because without oil, your engine will completely seize up. Oil shouldn’t run out all that often, if you’re finding that it does, this could indicate a bigger problem with the engine.
- Check the engine light is on. This is an indicator that something is wrong with your car, and it’s important that you don’t ignore it.
When considering whether or not to replace your car it’s important to assess how much money you are likely to have to spend on it in the future, as you can include this in your calculations.
Cost of a new car vs the cost of repairs?
Once you have a rough idea of the cost of repairs, you can start to compare this with the cost of buying a new car to assess which is the best option for you. If you are struggling to pay your auto repair bill, it’s possible to get car repair loans, which will allow you to repay your mechanic straight away and keep a good relationship with them!
How old is the car?
Finally, when considering whether or not to replace your car, you should consider how old your car actually is and how much work it has done. On average, cars can do around 150,000 miles in their lifetime, however, you can easily double this if you look after your car properly and ensure to service it each year.
If your car has been properly looked after and is in good condition, there is no reason why it shouldn’t keep going for a long time to come. If that’s the case, your answer is nearly always repair. However, if you think that your car is temperamental anyway and likely to cost you in the future, then replacing it could be the way to go.