Top Review

BenzInsider v2.0

While BenzInsider has been upgraded a couple of times, since its launch, this is the most significant one. The major difference with the new version, besides its look, is the engine that we are running this baby on. After months of frustration and sometimes pain, I have finally decided to discard Blogger and embrace the fantastic WordPress blogging engine.

I have decided to implement some new plugins to improve the user experience. Here are some of the new things you’ll come across

I’ve decided to implement a five-star ratings system for each post, so guests can rate how much they like each story. This will give me a better understanding what people like or don’t like.

The search engine for the website is just phenomenal. It doesn’t use google or any other third-party software, it is integrated into the website, so that whatever you are trying to find, you will.

Image viewer: This is pretty nice tool for showing large images. What the tool does is open a popup window right above the original image, without you having to navigate back and forth to view a larger image.

All in all, the theme is call Regulus and was designed by BinaryMoon. I’ve changed it quite a bit to make it unique, I hope you like it.

I am experiencing some technical difficulties with the switch, but that should be fix pretty soon.
