We certainly cannot ignore the importance of emergency lights on police vehicles just like the ones used in special-purpose Mercedes-Benz cars. Just imagine how challenging it would be for police officers and other emergency services (i.e. ambulances and firefighters) to perform their duties without lights.
Keeping surrounding cars and pedestrians safe is the crucial purpose of police lights on patrol cars. If there were no alarm system in place, police would have difficulty getting to a specific place in case of an emergency or announcing an emergency to the public.
Today, we will discuss everything you need to know about cop lights, like the different colors used and how pedestrians and civilians should interact when they see the lights.
Why Are Police Lights Important?

Police officers can only effectively perform their duties if they can respond to incidents within a short period. Whenever they receive a call requesting assistance, they must immediately reach the incident. Sometimes, it becomes challenging due to traffic.
During the day, traffic congestion is rampant. Everyone is on the road for one reason or another, and that makes it difficult for police to do their jobs effectively. While the police can devise a plan to separate the traffic and move as efficiently as possible, it might not be entirely foolproof.
The police lights play an essential role in this situation. When police lights flash brightly and siren rumbles, it alarms other drivers on the road to pull over or clear the road so that the police can respond to an emergency without delay.
Almost everyone is familiar with the red and blue police lights on police vehicles. You should slow down and move to the side so the police can pass, whether you see the lights in your rear-view mirror or at a stoplight.
Colors and Equipment of Police Lights
It is common for police vehicles to display their lights in the form of a light bar on the roof. Most often, red and blue are the colors we see on cop vehicles. Police cars flashing red lights indicate they are responding to an emergency.
A blue light signals to people within a particular area that there is a police presence. Squad cars equip themselves with white lights. These lights are most commonly used for visibility purposes during the night shift.
It is interesting to note that the different sounds of sirens, along with these lights, also have a variety of meanings. Typically, officers use the “wailing” siren to alert motorists when they’re coming into an intersection or driving at high speeds.
The wail is more effective at that time because it penetrates the vehicle’s cabin to reach the driver’s ears. On the other hand, “yelping” is a noise used to signal a car to move out of the way during congested traffic situations.
Furthermore, patrol car lights have base rotators, enabling them to rotate 360 degrees to spread their glow in every direction. With this mechanism, these car lights will illuminate in all directions.
A police car’s light bar typically has strobing LEDs along with the leading LED light, making it even brighter. This strobing light helps police officers efficiently operate at night or in remote locations with no streetlights.
How Should Drivers and Pedestrians Respond to Police Lights?
Although cop lights effectively attract the public’s attention, the public must know what to do when they see them. Depending on the circumstances, you may have to respond in a particular manner.
For instance, if you hear a police siren and see red and blue LED light bars in your rear-view mirror, you should move over and allow the police vehicle to pass. If the vehicle continues to follow you, the police officers are likely interested in speaking with you. If it happens, pull over to the side of the road and let the officers talk to you.
On the other hand, you do not have to take any action when you see police lights while walking. Changing your route may be a good idea if it appears that the police need more space to carry out their duties.
In addition, it is vital to remember that the absence of a police car siren does not imply any less severe circumstances.
For example, the police may not use sirens to attract attention during a bank robbery since alerting the criminals could be dangerous. Whenever the police need to get somewhere fast, they always have their lights on, so pay attention to that.
The police force is here to protect and serve, but they can’t do this without your help. When you see a police car with lights on in your neighborhood, please take the time to slow down and pay attention. Your actions may help save someone’s life and let the police do their jobs more effectively.