AMG Engine to be in Dartz’ New Armored Car

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Cursus iaculis etiam in In nullam donec sem sed consequat ...
Cursus iaculis etiam in In nullam donec sem sed consequat ...

AMG Engine to be in Dartz’ New Armored Car

Dartz, a Latvian armored car manufacturer who brought the Prombron that fascinated car and security enthusiasts around the world is now starting with a new project called Nagel Dakar.

If you’ve been following car news for a few years, you should remember the notoriety that Prombron received because the leather that they used is made from the foreskin of whale penises. Now back to Nagel Dakar, their new creation, if you think that you’ve heard the name before, you are right, as the name is from the 1912 Monte Carlo Rally first placer Andrew Nagel.

Dartz introduces it under the new class of cars they named B.N.U.D.S which stands for:

Bespoke – Every car is made especially for the customer. You can even decide what it looks like externally.

Noble – Dartz say they’re one of the oldest car names.

Urban – as it’s claimed to have an excellent ride for the city. As we found out when we gave a Dictator a lift, this means going over anything that’s in your way.

Desert – If you live in the desert, that’s fine. Dartz says the car works great there too.

Safety – Because of the use of a titanium tubular frame and the company’s previous exploits into bulletproofing.

Because this type of car needs great engine, the Latvian company chose the AMG 5.5L bi-turbo V8 that produces 650 HP and has a top speed of 155 mph. Of course, they need to ensure that the car can run away fast in case that there are bad guys trying to chase it. It will be enclosed in a titanium tubular frame chassis and can also be given a Carbon Kevlar chassis if you choose to. Meanwhile, the company is still mum about the specification of the interiors but we’re all expecting it to be coming from “exotic” materials.

The price? It’s at €250,000-€300,000.

Source: TopSpeed.
