Forbes List fo Best SUVs for 2007 is a joke!

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Forbes List fo Best SUVs for 2007 is a joke!

The Mercedes-Benz GL has been named the “Best Escalade Alternative” by Forbes. First of all this isn’t really a honor for MB as Forbes wants us to believe. Being an alternative for a car that has nothing going for it other then the gangster wannabe status. This is not only degrading to the Mercedes brand, but also a weak attempt to undermine the MB brand and its status.

Their ranking and category list is written to entertain and not inform people. Categories like “Best Reason to Buy GM Stock” or “Incoming King of SUVs” add no value to the ranking, nor does it tell people why that SUV is superior over the competition.

A sad attempt by Forbes to create a “best of” list. Forbes should stick to their “richest in the world” list and leave cars alone, as they clearly have no expertise in that category.
