Shot during the Mercedes Fashion Week held recently in New York, the clip, titled Designing the Details, is an excerpt of an interview with Nicola Ehrenberg-Uhlig, Manager of Color & Trim for Mercedes-Benz Cars.
Much has already been said and seen about the new SL’s mechanical attributes, from its lightweight aluminum body to its performance capabilities. Here, Ms. Nicola talks about how she and members of the Color & Trim team took inspiration from the aviation industry, which denotes speed, functionality and, of course, luxury.
A lot of automotive blogs devote much of their coverage to a car’s performance characteristics. This clip shows us that there is much more to designing a car than putting a big engine in a capable chassis. After all, it’s the interior of the car the driver and the rest of the car’s occupants spend their time in, and a fully functional yet luxurious interior is the hallmark of a great car.