Based on a report published by the National Insurance Crime Bureau, car thieves are at their busiest during Halloween and New Year. Around 2,328 cases of vehicle theft were recorded during the Halloween of 2011. Next to this is New Year with around 2,286 similar incidents. However, Christmas and Thanksgiving are among the lowest holiday thefts with only 1,347 and 1,526 cases respectively.
No explanations were provided by the report though as the details were merely statistics. However, one possible explanation is that there are a lot of parties going on during these dates. According to The Car Connection website, this may be due to the fact that these holidays are not exactly more family-inclined like that of Christmas and Thanksgiving. People tend to go out of their houses and drive somewhere else, cruising on unfamiliar neighborhoods which exposes them to crime. Alcohol could also play a huge factor in lowering the perception of the car owner.
Well, we are not saying that you should avoid partying during these times. This is only a reminder to keep more aware during these periods.