Teslas are selling quickly, and the brand has become one of the biggest leaders in the electric vehicle industry. While Teslas are classy and wonderful by many standards, there are many problems with the brand that we can’t just overlook.
According to the latest annual Auto Reliability Survey by Consumer Reports, overall, Tesla ranked second to last in terms of reliability. There have been several ongoing problems with the brand which have been identified by consumers over the years.
Here are six of the commonest issues with Tesla model cars that you should know about:
Low-Quality Door Handles
Tesla cars may have futuristic door handles, but their reliability is questionable. The handles in most of the higher-end models are nice metal handles, but the lower-end models are noticeably inferior. This may not be a problem for a new car, but with time, it can become a big issue.
The Incessant Rattling
Tesla cars are advertised to offer convenience and peace of mind, but there have been reports about a rattling noise that occurs in the vehicle. Some owners have spoken about how they took their vehicles for servicing, only to have the noise remain unresolved. If you are looking for where to get your Tesla repaired, look no further than Crash Champions.
The Batteries Are Unreliable During Cold Weather
The batteries of electric cars are expected to be strong and reliable. While Tesla batteries are strong, they are disappointing in cold weather. The first indication is extremely slow acceleration. This may not sound like a big deal until you need to get somewhere quickly during a spat of cold weather. Hopefully, there may be a breakthrough in battery technology in the coming years.
Teslas Are Quite Pricey
Teslas are undoubtedly flashy and unique, but are they really worth the price they are being sold at? Even after cutting out dealerships to reduce the cost, Teslas are still too pricey for the average car buyer. Even if money isn’t an issue, there are always cheaper alternatives to consider.
Repairs and Insurance Are Expensive
The popularity of Teslas may be on the rise, but this hasn’t affected their repair and insurance costs. The bigger challenge comes when you try to insure your Tesla. The cost of insurance is relatively higher than what you will have to pay to insure most regular vehicles. Repairing a Tesla will also take a toll on your bank account. If you own a Tesla that has been damaged, the professional team at Crash Champions can handle your repair needs.
Heating Element Failures
Lastly, a number of Tesla car owners report heating element failures. There is often a loud sound in the cabin and the heating element stops working afterwards. This indicates that the heating matrix has failed. While this can be fixed easily under warranty, Tesla doesn’t regard this as a design defect, so if the heating element failure occurs outside of the warranty, the car owner may have to fix it out-of-pocket.
Teslas are great for many reasons, but they are not flawless. The issues discussed above are the most common ones. Be sure to consider them before buying a Tesla.
More Info
The International Energy Agency predicts that 145 million electric vehicles could be on the road over the next decade compared to 10 million today. Experts at Bankrate created a guide that provides readers with a thorough understanding of the EV industry and its investment potential. It includes information about electric vehicles, why they could make a great investment, and the best EV ETFs you can buy.
Be sure to check this out for further reading to help you avoid all the hassles involved in owning an EV, and to aid you in choosing the right product that will cater to your needs and preferences.